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"Flower essences can clear blocks that prevent people from understanding their true path and give them strength, courage and enthusiasm to pursue their dreams."


EMOTIONAL wellbeing

I strongly believe that your emotional health is closely related to how you feel both mentally and physically.


Many people with digestive problems, weight problems, insomnia or anxiety for instance, can be helped with the right combination of flower essences.


I have used flower essences in many situations with great success, they are a gentle and subtle way to help you release negative beliefs and embrace joy, love and wellbeing. 

Simone Jeffries Sydney Naturopath

Australian Bush Flower Essences 

The Australian Bush Flower essence range was developed in Australia by Ian White. The essences are made from flowers sourced from the Australian bush.


Australian native flowers are the most ancient flowers in the world and are renowned for growing with strength and beauty, often in harsh conditions. 


The following are examples of when flower essences can be beneficial:

Simone Jeffries Bush Flower Essences
Calming and Clearing

~  Many people in our society feel as if they are on a treadmill, overcommitted and close to BURN OUT. Flower essences can help you to slow down and find some inner peace.


~  Are you worn out from caring for others, children or a sick parent? Flower essences can bring renewed joy and enthusiasm to what you do.


~  After experiencing the death of a close friend or relative, flower essences can help with healthy grieving. 

Balancing emotions

~   Very helpful for or teenagers who are nervous about exams, or feeling that they don't belong. Flower essences can enhance communication with others and bring a sense of belonging.


~   For women wanting to balance emotions during menstruation or menopause, flower essences can bring calm to mood changes.


~   For those undergoing major life changes such as the birth of children, moving house, divorce, death of a loved one or a pet. Flower essences can bring a sense of inner peace and the strength to cope.


~   For those wanting to improve relationships with others, flowers can help you to express your feelings and break negative patterns.


~   For those experiencing low self esteem, flower essences can improve self love and confidence.


~   For people feeling burdened by built up emotional baggage, flower essences can bring clarity and focus on the present.

Emotional health flower essences Sydney Naturopath
How to take flower essences

Flower essences are a liquid and they can be prescribed in several ways:


~  As drops, under the tongue.

~  As a spray

~  Mixed into a cream

~  Mixed into a herbal formula


How to chose flower essences

After a consultation, I chose 3 or 4 flower essences that I feel will be of most benefit to my client, and mix them into the one dropper bottle.


However flower essences also work well when the client self selects. I have photographs and descriptions of all the flowers to help people choose the flowers that speak to them the most.

Conditions and emotions for which I have prescribed flower essences

~ Low libido

~ Vaginismus

~ Sexually transmitted infections

~ Weight loss

~ Hot flushes in menopause

~ Anxiety in peri-menopause

~ ADHD in childhood

~ Low energy, burn out

~ Grief

~ Depression

~ Nervous indigestion

~ Anxiety in a child, social anxiety

~ Psoriasis


Bush flower essences Simone Jeffries Image by Paris Speak
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