Simone Jeffries
I'm a fierce advocate for natural menstrual cycles and natural periods.
Helping women to thrive in perimenopause without medication is my passion.
If you've been told you need to take the pill or you need HRT, then let me help you to explore a natural option using herbs and food as medicine.
Registered Naturopath
Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy)
Post graduate certificate in Sustainable Development
Certified Wellness Coach Wellness Coaching Australia
Australian Natural Therapies Association Member no 11772
"There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living."
The road I've travelled
Hi! I'm Simone - lover of nature and all things natural. I'd love to share a few things about myself so that you can get to know me a little better.
I am a naturopath, herbalist, nutritionist and a health coach, with a special interest in mentoring people to use food and herbs to manage health conditions, feel amazing and thrive.
I had a career in surveying, hydrographic charting and Crown land management before deciding that my passion lay in nutrition and natural health.
Prior to undertaking naturopathic studies, I completed a postgraduate certificate in sustainable development and I remain passionate about the environment and biodiversity. This passion shows in the way I run my business, using organic and recycled products wherever I can and making environmentally and vegan friendly products available and affordable to my clients.
I continue to study and apply wellness coaching and positive psychology so that I can inspire the best results for you.
When you see me as a client you benefit from my many years of PROBLEM SOLVING; planning and strategy; and LIFE EXPERIENCE; combined with my passion for herbal medicine and whole food therapy.
My plant path
I was called by the plants at a young age. As a child we visited my grandfather in his rambling and productive garden at Bathurst. The plants seemed to me to be enormous, and I could play under trellises of beans and wonder through patches of gigantic pumpkins. Whenever I hear the term 'green thumb', I think of my grandfather and his garden. His friends would turn up with empty boxes and leave with vegetables, herbs, flowers and a full heart.
In those early years of wonder and awe I sensed the energy in the plants and the pull to follow something magical, though I wasn't sure yet what it was. I have heard it described as the 'golden thread', the pull of the plant path.​

My quick tip for staying healthy

If I had to pick only one piece of health advice, it would be to EAT MORE VEGETABLES. Vegetables are a delicious and easy way to improve your digestion, skin, hair, nails, and most common health conditions.
In my clinic I have discovered that many people are busy and eat a small or limited range of vegetables each day. Do you struggle to get excited about vegetables?
I wrote this blog for you: "How to eat more plants"
My naturopathic style
I am dedicated to a 'FOOD IS MEDICINE' approach to healing, so dietary changes will always be my long term focus, with supplementation of nutrients when necessary to fill an immediate deficiency..
I believe that herbal medicines are both a powerful and gentle form of medicine. With my liquid herbs, I can create a medicine that is truly unique to you, that will benefit you in many ways.
I also believe in cultivating balance in your life. I won't recommend unnecessary restriction of the foods or activities that you love. I will only recommend that you remove foods from your diet if it is essential for your healing. Often those beloved foods can be reintroduced when you are well.
I want to redefine health care so that my clients feel encouraged to connect with nature and see themselves as part of the environment, rather than separate to it.
When I work with you I want to help you to find ways to bring nature back into your life, to reconnect with the earth and it's rhythms.
I want to empower people by showing you how to tune into the natural cycles of your health and use food and herbs to nourish yourself and your family.
This is my wish for you, that you will feel
inspired - supported - empowered

I am in my 50s now, with 3 grown up children. I haven't always understood my body the way I do now, and I have had my fair share of health challenges over the years.
Some of the health conditions I have experienced first hand are asthma, eczema, period pain, migraines, sinus infections, high blood pressure, vertigo, low iron levels, adult acne, post natal depletion, reflux, gallstones, thyroid nodules and perimenopause.
If you are interested in hearing more of my personal health story, please read on...